AM foundation for child care was founded by ALINA MERCY in 2020 . The children in the foundation are divided into two houses . NJUKI house and NULU house as an appreciation to MRS. NJUKI EVA AND MRS. NULU NAMAGANDA Am foundation has different project that run on helping children with aim of preserving the life and promoting the well being of orphans and needy children in the busabala landing shores of wakiso district Uganda.
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The children of busabala land shores are mostly orphans due to the fact that most parents are fishermen and die in the lake while fishing to get income to sustain their homes. After the death of the parents these children always lack clothes ,books, school fees, pads, beddings . So the AM foundation has been in the village to help and raise these children who have lost parents. THE AM foundation takes care of children's clothes, school fees, books , feeding ,and shelter. AM foundation for children care needs all the help and support we can get , we can do so much with little and you can be a part of that .